SBI Symposium Collection: DBT Series - Archived

SBI Symposium Collection: DBT Series

This DBT series is designed to enhance your breast imaging interpretation skills through a series of four SBI symposium DBT focused presentations.


DBT Lectures

  1. Case Review for Radiologists & Technologists: Getting the Images You Want and Need
    • Presenters: Louise Miller, RTRM and Michael Linver, MD, FSBI
  2. Tips, Troubleshooting, and Challenging  Cases of Tomosynthesis & Stereo Biopsies
    • Presenters: Priscilla Slanetz, MD, FSBI  and Su-Ju Lee, MD, FSBI
  3. Ready for Prime Time: How to Incorporate Tomosynthesis into Your Practice and the Landmines to Avoid
    • Presenter: Emily Conant, MD, FSBI
  4. Asymmetries and Architectural Distortion on 2D and Tomosynthesis
    • Presenters: Catherine S. Giess, MD, FSBI and Dianne Georgian-Smith, MD, FSBI


Disclosure of Commercial Interest

The following planners and managers have no financial relationships to disclose:  Jennifer Luettinger; Katerina Dodelzon, MD, FSBI; Yiming Gao, MD, FSBI; Ana P. Lourenco, MD, FSBI; Margaret Wong, MD; Ramesh Iyer, MD; Alexis LaCount


The following planners and managers reported the following financial relationships or relationships to products or devices they or their spouse/partner have with commercial interests related to the content of this CME activity:

Mai Elezaby, MD – Research Grants: Exact Sciences, Inc.

Linda Moy, MD, FSBI – Honoraria: iCAD, Inc. and Lunit; Research Grants: Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.


The following faculty have no financial relationships to disclose: Louise Miller, RT, FSBI; Michael Linver, MD, FSBI; Priscilla Slanetz, MD, MPH, FSBI; Catherine S. Giess, MD, FSBI; Dianne Georgian-Smith, MD, FSBI


The following faculty reported the following financial relationships or relationships to products or devices they or their spouse/partner have with commercial interests related to the content of this CME activity:

Su-Ju Lee, MD, FSBI – Spouse has ownership interest in General Electric and Siemens

Emily Conant, MD, FSBI – Consultant: Hologic, Inc; iCAD

Course Objectives
  • Review ACR BI-RADS definitions and literature on types of asymmetries and their significance.
  • Define architectural distortion per ACR BI-RADS and literature.
  • Explain how to troubleshoot common challenges encountered during stereotactic and tomosynthesis guided core biopsy.
  • Discuss strategies for successful implementation of digital breast tomosynthesis and synthetic imaging in the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer.
Case Review for Radiologists & Technologists: Getting the Images You Want and Need

Quality mammography images are critical to the diagnosis of early curable breast cancer. A lively and stimulating interactive review of the essential elements in a quality mammogram images will be presented by two experienced and passionate proponents of quality breast imaging. The audience will be provided with multiple case examples of common problems in producing quality images, and simple yet vital solutions to these problems.


Learning Objectives

  • Describe reasonable expectations regarding the evaluation of the quality of mammography positioning on screening and diagnostic exams.
  • Demonstrates he proper use and performance of additional viiews for screening and diagnositic mammograms.
  • Show problem solving methods for challenging diagnostic workups.
Speaker Information
Michael Linver, MD, FSBI
Louise Miller, RTRM, FSBI
Tips, Troubleshooting, and Challenging Cases of Tomosynthesis & Stereo Biopsies

This session will review basic principles inherent to stereotactic and tomosynthesis guided core biopsy of the breast on upright and prone systems and present challenging cases in order to provide tips to maximize success and an approach to troubleshooting.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to select patients appropriately for the prone vs. upright biopsy systems.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to troubleshoot common challenges encountered during stereotactic and tomosynthesis guided core biopsy.

Speaker Information
Su-Ju Lee, MD, FSBI
Priscilla Slanetz, MD, FSBI
Ready for Prime Time: How to Incorporate Tomosynthesis into Your Practice and the Landmines to Avoid

The session will review the advantages of screening and diagnostic breast imaging with tomosynthesis using a case-based format. Strategies for successful implementation as well as common pitfalls of digital breast tomosynthesis and synthetic 2D imaging will be reviewed.

Learning Objectives

Assess the improvements in outcomes in imaging with digital breast tomosynthesis compared to digital mammography alone.

Discuss strategies for successful implementation of digital breast tomosynthesis and synthetic imaging in the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer.

Speaker Information
Emily Conant, MD, FSBI
Asymmetries and Architectural Distortion on 2D and Tomosynthesis

The session will review mammographic asymmetries and their evaluation and significance on 2D and DBT, including multi-modality evaluation with MRI and US and radiologic-pathologic correlation. Faculty will also review the clinical significance of the detection of architectural distortion; the objective mammographic features of architectural distortion versus background tissues; briefly summarize the management controversy of radial scars after core biopsy in recent literature.

Learning Objectives

Review ACR BI-RADS definitions and literature on types of asymmetries and their significance. Define architectural distortion per ACR BI-RADS and literature.

Illustrate benign and malignant asymmetries. Illustrate the mammographic features of architectural distortion versus background summation tissues.

Discuss the role of mammography (2D and DBT), US, and MRI in evaluation and timely diagnosis To increase the confidence of radiologists in the detection of Architectural Distortion. Briefly review the management of Radial scars per recent literature.

Speaker Information
Dianne Georgian-Smith, MD, FSBI
Catherine S. Giess, MD, FSBI
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Preview Case Review for Radiologists & Technologists: Getting the Images You Want and NeedPreview Case Review for Radiologists & Technologists: Getting the Images You Want and Need
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